WiFi Hotel: Il Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi: from necessary evil for the hotelier, to essential loyalty, reputation and sales tool: 8 ways to offer an outstanding service inside and outside the hotel… profiting from it

Starting from the first years of adoption of Wi-Fi systems within the hospitality industry, hoteliers experienced the growth in the demand for Wi-Fi Internet access in different ways: the initial excitement for a new revenue source has been quickly replaced by the disappointment caused by having to offer the service for free, still forced to spend more and more in equipment and software, to keep up with the times and with guest demands, not being able to generate profits.

Good news: the wheel keeps turning. Today the hospitality industry has the opportunity to return to monetize the most sought-after service in a smart way, providing it to guests both inside and even outside the hotel, while on the move.
Let’s find out how, together.

Keynote Speaker
Luca Fronzoni CEO Wi-Fi Hotel by Nexis

All the events of November 30th [Day One]